Congratulations, you’ve made an offer on your dream home and it was accepted. What now? Next up, you’ll enter the home inspection period for your dream home in Tampa, which usually lasts 10 days, unless otherwise noted in your real estate contract. This is the time for you to research home inspection companies in Tampa, hire one, and have the inspection performed. For busy families or buyers from out of state, you may be asking why you only have 10 days to get the house inspected.

The main, and probably quite obvious reason is time. There will always be those buyers that would put off the inspection for weeks if there wasn’t an allotted Tampa home inspection period. This puts a financial strain on sellers who need to vacate their home in order to move into a new one. The inspection period is designed to keep the home buying process moving at a reasonable pace for all involved parties.

For those thinking 10 days is more than enough time, consider this: your inspection company is booked for the next 6 days and your schedules don’t match up. Sometimes you may be down to the wire, which can be stressful. We recommend contacting your inspection within 24 hours of an agreed upon contract to get something scheduled immediately. The sooner you have your inspection, the more time you have for any additional inspections you may end up needing, and also more time to read the report and determine what, if any, repairs you want to request be fixed by the seller.

The inspection period is far more than scheduling a four hour inspection. This time allows for any additional inspections like pests, mold, etc., and gives you time to reconsider your offer. This is the point where many sales fall through, so giving yourself time to review the report and make a decision your comfortable with is key. If you need an inspector, call Radiant Property Inspections today.