Choosing a home inspection service in Tampa, should be a well thought out decision. This person will check your home to make sure it is safe for you and your family, and you want someone trained with a solid background. Just as you would with anyone responsible for your family’s safety, we recommend asking your home inspector a few questions before determining if they are the home inspection company you want for your home in Tampa. Remember, you want to find a good fit for your home’s needs.

Are you licensed and insured?
This should, without a doubt, be the first question you ask when interviewing any home inspection company in Tampa. Many companies can claim to be inspectors, but not all of them are licensed to perform home inspections in your state. You also want to ensure they are insured, as inspectors go on your roof and under the home. If something happens to them, they are covered and will not try and sue you.

Do you have references?
If an inspector is unable to provide references, this should be a huge red flag. A reputable company should be able to produce a few references from recent months to show they provide services to happy and satisfied customers. If the references are several years old, this may be a sign that their service lately has been sub-par and may not be right for you.

What is covered on my inspection?
Not all home inspections are the same, so ask your inspector what parts of the home they cover. You want to make sure they will get on the roof, in the crawl space, in the attic, and what other areas they cover. Sometimes you will get inspectors who don’t check outdoor spaces or appliances, which could be misleading if you don’t know upfront. You should also ask how their report is set up, and even ask for a sample report so you can be sure it’s easy to understand and detailed.

Asking the right questions when hiring someone for a professional service can make all the difference. Don’t be disappointed or misled when it comes to hiring a home inspector; ask them pointed questions and you will be much happier with the services you receive. Interested in having a home inspection? Call Radiant Property Inspections today!