By this time, you likely already know that a Tampa home inspection covers things like your roof, plumbing, and HVAC system. However, did you know that inspections will cover your crawlspace? This small space beneath your home (for those that don’t have basements) can be a breeding ground for problems if not regularly inspected and maintained properly. So, what exactly does a Tampa home inspector look for when inspecting a crawl space?

The forbidden word: mold. The crawlspace is a common area for mold because of its close proximity to the ground. Since the ground holds moisture from rain, without proper grading and drainage, the crawlspace can become a toxic spot for mold, something your Tampa home inspector will likely not get too close to.

Structural Problems
With things like moisture and mold come rot and other structural issues. An inspector is going to check that your crawlspace does not show signs of inadequate support, rotting beams, or signs of settling.

Everyone’s worst nightmare are the pests, and the crawlspace is a perfect hiding space. This can be an easy way to see signs of termite damage as the wood is exposed and easily visible. Inspectors can also check for rodent droppings, snake skins, and holes where these animals can easily enter and nest. 

If you are noticing that your floors are not keeping in the heat or air conditioning, this could be a sign that the insulation in your crawlspace is damaged or inadequate. This can be easily repaired and end up providing significant savings in the form of lowered electric bills.

The crawlspace is an often-forgotten realm of the home: out of sight, out of mind. This doesn’t mean, however, that it should be ignored. If your crawlspace hasn’t been inspected in some time, call us to schedule your next appointment and we can take a look.