Your Tampa home inspection is going to reveal a lot of important information about your potential new home. We’ve covered how to read the Tampa home inspection report so you can know what to look for, but it’s always a good idea to keep in mind things that can break a sale. There are things that an inspection could reveal that might make your home a huge risk to insurance companies, so you want to get these taken care of, whether you do them yourself or ask the seller.

One major thing that you might not think of is the water shutoff valve. This is one thing that, if not present in your home, makes your purchase a liability to insurance companies. Without an inside water shutoff valve, your home can easily, and quickly, flood. You can get into this situation if a pipe bursts or you are doing home improvement projects, and you don’t want to get stuck being unable to turn off the water as it gushes all over your floors.

If your inspection reveals your home does not have a water shutoff inside, this is something that we recommend requesting the seller to add. If not, you will likely need to add this relatively quickly after moving in, and before you do any home improvement repairs. Once you have the shutoff valve installed, always mark it clearly so you can recognize it in a pinch; you don’t want to be scrambling to find which one is the right valve when in an emergency. You will need to find out if you are on well or city water, as the shutoff process can vary between the two options.

Shutting off your water to avoid flooding can be scary, especially if you are unprepared. If your home inspection reveals you don’t have a master water shutoff valve, we recommend remedying this immediately. This is one repair that will save you financially should flooding occur. Looking for an inspector? Call Radiant Property Inspections today.