You can never do too much research when deciding who will do the home inspection on a potential new home. Looking into training, previous experience, reviews, and cost are all things that can help you choose the perfect inspector for your Tampa home inspection. If you’re just starting out, you may not know how to tell if your inspector is qualified or if you’re being overcharged. When shopping around for a home inspector, know the red flags to look for so you don’t get caught in the rain. Tampa home inspections cover a lot of ground and can be the difference between finding the perfect house or a perfect mess.

Read Reviews

You read reviews for restaurants, hair salons, and hotels, so why not for your Tampa home inspection? If you read reviews on your home inspector that point out areas the inspector may have missed or that they were late or no-shows, these can help you save time and money.


Home inspections cover so many different areas of the home that may seem unfamiliar. See if your inspector is trained on new technologies and techniques. You can even ask your inspector for their previous experience or if they are certified in specialized areas.

Depth of Inspection

You want a home inspector Tampa that will give an in-depth inspection. Avoid inspectors who will only provide a visual inspection or won’t get on the roof to inspect. A home can have severe damage that does not show up with a cursory visual glance, so make sure your inspector will provide an inspection that goes beyond just looking with a flashlight.


After an inspection, your home inspector should provide you a report going over all areas of the home that need repair and those that are in good working order. If your inspector does not provide you a report, this is a red flag that something is off.

At Radiant Property Inspection, we pride ourselves on our quality of work. We go above and beyond to keep ourselves trained to provide the best service to our customers. Call today to schedule an appointment or ask us your home inspection questions.